One of the keys to success in the real estate world is building a strong investor list, otherwise known as a buyers list. When you have a solid buyers list, you can build a stronger career with the contacts and connections that you need to consistently perform well in the real estate market.
Simply put, if you can find a list of investors who will always be interested in buying new houses, you can help these specific investors find the houses they want. When you start to learn more about your specific investors, you can find inventory and houses that will appeal to their specific tastes, making it more likely for them to work with you time after time.
With a strong buyers list, you can go out in the market and find a number of great choices in inventory to make you more successful. In all, it’s important to have a good buyers list in order to be more profitable. Also, these investors will realize that you are an expert in the real estate market. They will return to you frequently to see what you have available for them. You will be seen as the first step towards their success and this ensures you will remain popular. The more people in your buyers list and in your network in general, the better for you. You will be able to sell house after house to the people who are consistently looking for new properties in your area.
Make your buyers list work for you. In order to have the most success possible, it pays to remember the following easy acronym: ITS MAGIC.
I – Identity
Why will people remember you? Why will they choose to go to you versus all the other investors and real estate “experts” in the field? You need to set yourself apart. When you meet future investors, other members of your local real estate clubs and even the strangers you meet in the grocery store, you need to leave them remembering your identity and admiring your personality. You want them to return to you time after time so making yourself as affable as possible is integral to your success. Have a signature action, a signature saying or a signature piece of clothing that will make people remember who you are. Once they remember you, you can help them by selling more and more houses.
T – Title Records
If you can make the process of getting title records easier, you will be more invaluable in the marketplace. Get access to local real estate records through title companies or other real estate brokers to get the information you need. If you pay attention to the names on the title records, you can see which investors are snapping up homes often. By highlighting these individuals, you can start to build your buyers list.
S – Signs on the Street
Promotions and advertising will help you find the people that are snatching up houses. Call the businesses that promise to buy the ugliest house on the block. Are they really buying houses? If so, note the business and the decision makers in this group to put on your buyers list for future real estate deals.
M – Marketing
Promotions and advertising will get YOUR name out there as well. Get a good business card and brochure to help promote your business. You can leave your information at title companies and everywhere else that could catch the eyes of your future investors. You should look to hand out hundreds of business cards each month. Join clubs. Find out where real estate investors are and put your name in front of them to get your name out there.
A – Auctions
Go to local auctions to find the investors that are looking for new real estate properties. Pass out your card and pay attention to see who is consistently shopping for new properties. Meet people and remember names. You’ll build your homes buyers list easier this way.
G – Groups
Join local groups and meetings. You can find a number of investors or potential investors. Help a great potential investor and you could find yourself with a gold mine down the road. You never know when your biggest investor will come across your path.
I – Internet
The Internet is a gold mine filled with investor leads and tips to help people like you build your buyers list. Look to real estate forums and discussion groups. Even if you meet other people in faraway states, keep track of them in case you move or they move in the future.
C – Clubs, specifically Real Estate Clubs
Real estate investor clubs are going to be the best place to build your buyers list, especially in the beginning. Pass out your business cards here and show off your established identity. You can find a number of real estate clubs near you to attend.
Taking the time to build and maintain a strong buyers list is one of the biggest mistakes I see investors make on a daily basis. Spend the extra time to build your personal buyers list and watch your business soar.
Sean Flanagan went from dead broke, living off Ramen Noodles and selling used pallets from the roadside for $20 a day, to a self made real estate multimillionaire in under 2 years time. He now shares his secrets with thousands of students across the country. Amber Sea