League of Legends Lecture is a course that explores and analyzes the popular video game through a variety of lenses, including gameplay, eSports, psychology, and game design. Students will develop critical thinking skills by participating in class discussion and analysis and apply their learning to improve their own gameplay outside of the classroom through weekly homework assignments.
Before the millions of players, billions in revenue, and eSports events that draw 100 million viewers, League of Legends was a game made by two college buddies who bonded over their love of DOTA. Co-founder Marc Merrill describes those months between announcing their project and releasing it as “super scary,” full of wild leaps of faith and a team that was divided over philosophies about what the game should be.
Almost every champion in League of Legends is designed to perform well during different parts of the game. Some champions are designed to be strong from the start while others are intended to get gradually stronger as the game goes on. This process is known as “scaling” and it’s one of the reasons why the early and mid game in League can feel so frantic.
When Riot Games releases a new champion, they often do a month-long pre-release campaign that includes YouTube videos, design notes, backstory, and more. But what’s more important than the hype is the team’s daily focus as they work on the game. This year, the studio’s decision to change up the way they announce these additions led to a lot of frustration and miscommunication among the community. 롤대리