These days, it is impossible to turn on a rap radio or television station without seeing the biggest names of the day. Jay Z, Lil Wayne and Drake are just a few of the young rappers who have made an impact over the past decade. However, they owe a lot to some of the most important names in rap music who paved the way for them to become such big stars.
Everyone who enjoys rap music owes a great debt of gratitude to Grandmaster Flash, who became a pioneer of hip hop and rap in the 1970’s. He is the DJ who is credited with many of the techniques that are common in rap music today. Without Grandmaster Flash, we would not have the sounds that come from cutting, phasing and backspinning.
When it comes to some of the biggest hits ever in rap/hip hop music, it is impossible to ignore the influence of rap group Run D.M.C. They put out some of the biggest rap singles of all time, including It’s Like That and a cover of Aerosmith’s Walk This Way. Run’s brother, Russell Simmons, is also the co-founder of Def Jam Records, one of the biggest labels in rap music.
Mainstream rap may not be what it is today without the influence of Sugarhill Gang. Their hit song Rapper’s Delight came out in 1979 and moved rap music directly into the public eye. Before Rapper’s Delight, rap was still an underground form of music that major labels were not paying much attention to.
There is no denying that the big names in rap music today have had a significant impact on the genre and will leave a lasting impression. However, they owe the opportunity to make that impact to the rap stars that came before them. The most important names in rap music are the ones that helped develop the genre when it was still an underground favorite. shot97