Smelly feet can really affect a person’s self esteem and confidence. Nobody likes to stand out in a crowd especially if feet are the culprit behind the reason. Have you ever been caught in a situation where you unexpectedly had to remove your shoes? I’ll bet you felt that surge of embarrassment and every excuse in the book for why not to take those shoes off began flashing through your mind right.
Well don’t worry too much your really not alone millions of people suffer from the dreaded smelly feet and there are many things you can do to prevent it. Albeit you may have tried several foot odor remedies in the past without success learning what causes foot odor can aid you in this battle greatly.
Smelly feet are mainly caused by perspiration aka “sweat” mixing with the millions of bacteria that reside within our shoes and socks. This sweat is also accompanied by dead skin cells that provide protein and an ample food supply for bacteria to multiply rapidly. Take into consideration that physically our feet and hands contain the highest percentage of sweat glands vs. any other part of our bodies which helps create this perfect environment for a smell factory much to our chagrin.
To begin the battle with foot odor you must strike back at the bacteria that are mainly responsible for creating your smelly feet in the first place. These bacteria are producing a particular type of acid that is essentially causing the unpleasant odor’s. The solution is quite simple kill the bacteria and you eliminate the odor.
OK so you might be thinking that your smelly feet go way beyond what other people experience and this can sometimes be explained by certain medical conditions. Hyperhidrosis primarily affects males and will cause excessive sweating and thus worsen foot odor. Many antidepressant medications can also have the side effect of increased sweating that can magnify your smelly feet.
The solution to prevent smelly feet remains the same and killing the bacteria is still the number 1 goal. This can be accomplished through a good foot hygiene routine and followed up by good practices. Try the following:
Whenever possible change your sock twice daily
Wash your feet thoroughly each morning making sure they are 100% dry prior to putting on socks or shoes.
Try applying foot powder or a non scented baby powder before putting on your socks.
Inspect your feet regularly for any sign of bacterial infection look closely for red patches or extremely dry flaky patches of skin. Between the toes and within the cracks and crevasses underneath each toe are usually more susceptible to infection.
Stick with moisture absorbing materials when it comes to socks. A good pair a cotton sock will work well for this.
Allowing your feet to breath is also key, your footwear should be made of breathable material. Many synthetic leathers for example don’t breathe well and will increase sweating through increased heat. Sandals with a plastic type sole can also cause terrible smelly feet so be sure to select a sandal that allows for the best air circulation.
Lastly try not to wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. By allowing your shoes to properly air out will really help stop smelly feet. Additionally if you’re a fan of running shoes following this practice makes your shoes more comfortable by allowing the materials to decompress completely between uses. This can also have the side benefit of helping reduce impact on your joints if you run daily.
These tips will have hopefully done the trick but to stop smelly feet if all else fails there are many medicated creams, powders and odor eliminating insoles available. You may have to try several different powders or creams until you find the one that works best for you. Always maintain the above mentioned hygiene tips no matter what method you decide on to stop your smelly feet.
Often times it can be a combination of the two. A cream or powder can give you a jump start and than continuing with proper care is all that’s required. custom brand socks