Voice over is the recording of audio that is inserted into a film, another type of video piece or an audio piece. It is most often performed by professional voice actors who specialize in this form of performance, but can also be accomplished by individuals with more limited experience. While many people associate this process with animation, it is actually a commonly used technique in all types of media.
To make a good impression on clients, it is important to practice your skills regularly. Practicing will help you to feel more confident during recording sessions, which will in turn lead to more natural and compelling performances. Additionally, practicing will help you to find your own style, which can be a key component in gaining repeat business from clients.
As you practice, it is a good idea to listen back and determine what areas of your performance need improvement. This may include things like pacing, tone, inflection and pronunciation. For instance, if you have a tendency to pronounce certain words or syllables differently than other people do, this could throw off your audience. Likewise, if you have a tendency to speak too quickly or mumble, this can also be an issue for some people.
In order to improve your voice over, you will need to work on a range of techniques and learn how to use different tools and software programs. Practicing different breathing and relaxation techniques will also help you to perform at your best. Additionally, taking a break from your performance from time to time can be beneficial in allowing you to relax and come back refreshed.
The most common way that voice over talent finds jobs is through online marketplaces. By creating a profile that represents your skill sets, you will be able to be found and invited to audition for various projects. Some online marketplaces allow you to create a free account that will give you access to a limited number of auditions each month, while others require that you pay a monthly subscription fee in order to gain unlimited access to opportunities.
Once you have a solid portfolio of demo recordings, you will want to submit them to local talent agencies. These will be able to offer advice and guidance on how to improve your performance, as well as provide you with a list of potential opportunities for which they can act as the go-between.
Once you have submitted your demo reel, it is a good idea to show it to some trusted friends and colleagues for feedback. This can help you to identify any areas of your performance that need improvement and give you a better sense of whether or not you are delivering what the client is looking for. It is also a great way to get feedback on your audio quality and to see if any additional changes need to be made before the final product is delivered. As a final note, it is often helpful to have your voice over scripts written out in full before you record them. This will ensure that you cover all of the important points and avoid any ‘uhms’ and ‘ahs’ that can ruin an otherwise strong performance.