Your engagement ring is one of the most important pieces of jewelry you’ll ever wear. You want to keep it clean and looking good, but cleaning can be difficult and time-consuming. So we asked the experts for advice on how to keep your ring shiny and germ-free, with minimal effort.
The most basic solution is to fill a bowl with warm water and add a few drops of dishwashing soap. Drop your ring in for a 15-minute soak to loosen dirt and lotion that’s built up, says Stephanie Maslow-Blackman, co-founder of jewelry store Metalicious. Then, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to scrub the ring, paying special attention to crevices around the diamond and band. Rinse it, and then dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.
This method should only be used on rings that feature durable stones like diamond, alexandrite, ruby, and sapphire and is not recommended for softer gemstones like opal, turquoise, or pearl. You can also use a mild household cleaner or jewelry sanitizer, but be careful as many contain chemicals that can damage your ring.
While regular at-home cleanings will help to keep your ring shining and lustering, our jewelry experts recommend getting it professionally cleaned every six months to remove hardened dirt and grime that you can’t dislodge with at-home cleaners. These professional cleanings also allow your jeweler to inspect the ring for any signs of damage, such as a loose prong or stone, and fix them before they become worse. cleaning engagement ring