Imagine a world where you could experience more intimate experiences with your partner. You could also start a family without worrying about your reproductive health. All thanks to Semenax. Made by Leading Edge Health, this herbal supplement contains 18 extracts that help with fertility and libido. It also contains L-lysine, a key ingredient that is said to enhance penis size and boost the production of sperm. It is available in bundles of 1, 3, 6, and 12 months worth of capsules, offering discounts and free shipping worldwide.
The company claims that its formula is based on herbs found in ancient civilizations around the world, including Asia, Europe, and North and South America. The company adds that it tests each herb to ensure that they are safe and effective. It is also a cGMP Trusted Source, which means that it follows the FDA’s quality control guidelines for dietary supplements. There are no warning letters against the product at this time, and there are no active lawsuits against it. However, some herbal supplements can interact with certain medications and make them less effective or cause side effects. You may want to talk to your doctor before taking this supplement if you are on any prescription medication.
How Does Semenax Work?
According to the makers, this supplement works by triggering the release of testosterone and other hormones that are needed for a healthy reproductive system. This process involves three essential glands: the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and the bulbourethral gland. When these glands are in good condition, they will be able to discharge fluids that contain the sperm necessary for reproduction. The company adds that the ingredients in its formula can improve the quality, quantity, and motility of sperm and make men more fertile.
Another key ingredient is acai powder, which has been known to promote healthy aging and increase libido. It also contains antioxidants, which can reduce oxidative stress and boost energy levels. It is also believed to have antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Hawthorn berry extract is also included in the formula, and research shows that it can improve the condition of the prostate and reduce the amount of urine you produce at night. It can also help to reduce erectile problems by stimulating the release of nitric oxide, which is an important factor in arousal.
Other ingredients include sarsaparilla root, which is a plant native to tropical regions all over the world. It is rich in saponins, sterols, alkaloids, and tannins, which are thought to have a number of health benefits. One study found that it was able to reduce prostate cancer cells and boost sperm motility in mice.
Other ingredients in the product include L-carnitine, a key nutrient that can increase muscle mass by boosting protein synthesis and decreasing protein breakdown. It can also help improve sperm motility, and is used by some athletes to promote strength and endurance. Finally, the product contains safflower oil, which is thought to stimulate the bulbourethral gland and increase sperm concentration. How Does Semenax Work