I know everyone has probably seen a real casino in real life or on TV, but the fact is that many people have never experienced an online casino – despite seeing ads for them posted all over the internet – for themselves. In this short article I’m going to go over the differences between a real-world and online casino for those uninitiated of you out there. Ladbrokes
Firstly, you’re obviously staring at a screen in your home instead of actually being there, with all the games being a visual representation of what you’d likely see were you standing in a real casino. Some even have mock lobbies where you navigate around the site to the various ‘rooms’ of the online casino in order to play different games.
All the games are moderated by a computer program instead of a croupier or dealer in a real world casino. A lot of people have doubts about the fairness of online casinos due to the fact that the casino could create software being biased towards making the player lose. There have been instances where casino have been found to be using software like this, though in most cases they have been prosecuted, heavily fined and even shut down forever.
But the main difference is that real casinos are full of excitement, wonder and spectacle, which you’d definitely know if you’ve ever been inside one. The sad fact is though, despite trying very hard, online casinos definitely cannot live up to the hype or the reality of a real life casino.
With an online casino, you lose the personality and feel of a real casino. Some online casinos try to put this back into the picture by hosting computer-generated croupiers and dealers with voices on their sites, however it just doesn’t cut the mustard so to speak when compared with the real thing.
With an online casino you can still get the heart-flutter with the excitement of placing a real money bet, though when you don’t have that real human interaction with the dealer and other patrons around you creating the almost-electric atmosphere of a charged gambling environment, it’s just not the same.
There are benefits of gambling online which include the fact that you can do it in your underwear sitting in your bedroom at home if you were so inclined, though in my opinion it just doesn’t make up for the loss in excitement you get from the real thing.
Online gambling is great, but to me it will never make up for setting foot in a real life casino. There’s just no comparison.