Why Tweak Facebook Image Ads To Suit Platform and Placement Type?
As a largely visual culture, consumers respond more favorably to eye-catching, well-designed marketing messages that use static images and bold copy in unexpected ways. However, marketers underestimate the importance of tailoring ads for each social platform and by ad objective, even within a given platform like Facebook. For best results, it is important to tweak copy and redesign or resize every image to meet platform-specific guidelines that keep changing often. However, modifying ad copy, sizing and design to suit your campaign objective and the intended placement is also important to boost CTR, improve recall and better influence your target audience. Advertising On Facebook
Though Facebook has lost some of its shine for younger audiences who have gravitated towards Instagram and newer platforms like TikTok, it remains a massively powerful social tool, with 1.62 billion daily active users in 2019. It has a sophisticated advertising system that is super competitive. According to eMarketer forecasts, brands and companies will spend $32.6 billion on Facebook ads by 2020. This is why it becomes necessary to ensure that your banner ads are designed to stand out, and meet Facebook ad size specifications. A Guide To Choosing the Correct Placement for Your Facebook Ad
Facebook offers marketers a number of choices depending on their campaign objective. Determine your campaign objective by deciding if your image-based ad is intended to improve awareness, consideration or recall. Learn more about creating ads to suit your objectives here. Source: https://adespresso.com/guides/facebook-ads-optimization/campaign-objective/#_
Correct placement of your ads and adherence to Facebook ad size is critical, you may want to use a different placement if you want to push up conversions, target new audiences, drive app installs, increase in-store visits, or retarget past consumers, and, ideally, you want to optimize your design for each placement.
For instance, newsfeed ads that appear on the desktop are great for engagement, generating sales and leads, because you can use longer copy and add link descriptions. Whereas a mobile newsfeed ad copy is a lot shorter, Facebook only shows customers three lines of copy even in the news feed before it cuts it off, so you want to lead with the most important information first. Desktop Right Columns are priced lower and text is less readable owing to its placement. Using an eye-catching image with very little text may work better if you are running a right column ad, to retarget customers who are already familiar with your brand. best clipping path service