Finding customers is a challenge for any small business, regardless of industry or size. From developing a marketing strategy to promoting and selling products or services, a successful small business requires many skills and resources. Some methods of generating new business include using in-house lists of past and potential clients, obtaining referrals from satisfied existing customers, identifying and targeting high-value customers and networking at community events or trade fairs. Whether your marketing budget is small or large, you should make it a priority to promote and connect with potential customers through multiple channels.
When you first start trying to find customers, it’s important to determine what types of consumers would be most interested in your product or service. This will help you target them directly through online advertising, which is typically more cost-effective than traditional advertising. Once you’ve defined your buyer persona, you can start finding prospective consumers through several online channels, including email and social media.
Getting referrals from satisfied existing customers is one of the most reliable ways to bring in new business. This method can be as simple as asking for referrals from customers who have already bought your product or service, or you can go the extra mile by offering a referral incentive to increase customer loyalty. For example, a company may offer to give a new customer a discount on their first order or free product if the new customer refers a friend.
You can also try a number of online channels to find potential customers, including social media, search engines and affiliate networks. Search engine optimization (SEO) software can be particularly useful, as it allows you to monitor keywords that are associated with your website and track how well those words perform in searches.
Once you’ve found a few customers, it’s important to keep them happy so they’ll remain loyal and recommend your company to others. According to Adobe, retaining loyal customers is six times more profitable than attracting new ones. You can boost customer loyalty by treating them like they’re the most important part of your business. For example, Southwest Airlines once sent a flight back to wait for a passenger traveling to a funeral — putting the customer before profits and demonstrating great customer service in the process.
Every business finds that some of its customers are more valuable than others, based on factors such as their purchase volume or the ease with which they manage their accounts. Successful businesses identify their highest-value customers and work to attract more of them.
Qualifying customers requires creative problem-solving, emotional connection and critical thinking, which demands all of your sales team’s talents. Qualitative research is key to identifying customer pain points, as customers’ underlying reasons for their problems can vary significantly from one to the next. Unlike quantitative research, which favors standardized questions and large sample sizes, qualitative research focuses on detailed, individualized responses to open-ended questions. By listening to your customers and understanding their needs, you can provide solutions that meet their demands and exceed their expectations. Trovare clienti